Test Two

“Thank You M’am,” “The Cask of Amontillado”

“The Necklace,” and “A Sound of Thunder”


Part One: Literary Terms

Put the letter of the correct definition next to the literary term.

  1. Protagonist A. The process of revealing the personality of a character in a story is called characterization. A writer can reveal character by
  2. Resolution (denouement) B. The turning point or moment of highest intensity in the work when either the protagonist or antagonist must succeed
  3. Theme C. It is a statement about life or universal truth that a particular work is trying to get across to the reader.
  4. Characterization D. A writer’s use of hints or clues to indicate events that will occur later in the story. The use of this technique both creates suspense and anxiety for the reader.
  5. Climax E. the hero, chief character, or force in the work which the reader wants to succeed
  6. Exposition F. the portion of the play or story where the problem is solved, the struggles are over, and we know what is going to happen to the characters– providing closure.
  7. Foreshadowing G. A writer’s or speakers choice of words.
  8. Diction H. background information on the characters, setting, and situation, usually found at the beginning of a story
  9. Dialogue I. The conversation between characters in a story or play.
  10. Setting J. where and when a story takes place. It can include the locale of a story, the weather, the time of day, and the time period (past, present, future).

Part Two: Literary Analysis

For some reason putting it online switched the formatting from a,b,c, and d to numbers. It should still work out, just circle the correct answer 🙂

  1. Why is Roger’s attempt to steal Mrs. Jones’s pocketbook thwarted?
    1. Jones trips him and pushes him down
    2. The police stop him after he has grabbed her pocketbook.
    3. The combined weight of the purse and his body throws him off balance.
    4. Jones sees what he is about to do and talks him out of it
  1. Which of the following statements can be said to be true about Mrs. Jones?
    1. She is able to forgive Roger.
    2. She wants Roger to be her son.
    3. She thinks Roger should earn money for shoes.
    4. She wants Roger to visit her often.
  2. Which of the following statements best describes how Mrs. Jones treats Roger when they are in her apartment?
    1. She treats him as if he were a thief.
    2. She treats him as she would her son.
    3. She treats him as if he were someone who owed her a favor.
    4. She treats him as if he were a helpless puppy.
  3. Which of the following statements describes the last event in the story?
    1. Jones and Roger eat dinner
    2. Roger offers to repay Mrs. Jones
    3. Jones holds Roger with a half Nelson
    4. Roger thanks Mrs. Jones
  4. By the end of the story, readers probably conclude that Mrs. Jones trusts Roger. Which of the following events supports this conclusion?
    1. Jones tells Roger that he shouldn’t have snatched her purse.
    2. Jones turns her back on Roger while she cooks.
    3. Jones asks Roger if there is anyone at his house to wash his face.
    4. Jones asks Roger to go to the store.
  5. In “The Cask of Amontillado,” Montresor says that revenge would not be successful if
    1. he were not punished for taking revenge
    2. his victim knew who had punished him
    3. he was punished for taking revenge.
    4. he had to resort to murder
  6. Some readers argue that Montresor is insane. Which of the following pieces of evidence best supports that argument?
    1. He is wearing an unusual costume
    2. Thoughts of Fortunato’s destruction make him smile.
    3. He pays full price for a cask of amontillado
    4. He does not ask Luchesi to test the amontillado.
  7. Which of the following could be said to be true about Montresor?
    1. He lets us know how Fortunato insulted him.
    2. He lets Fortunato know well ahead of time that he is upset with him.
    3. He never lets us know how Fortunato insulted him.
    4. He is rude to Fortunato from the start
  8. Verbal irony occurs when a character says one thing but means another. Which of the following is an example of verbal irony that occurs in the story?
    1. Montresor’s words to Fortunato are cruel, but his actions are kind.
    2. Montresor speaks rudely to Fortunato.
    3. Montresor’s words to Fortunato are kind, but his intentions are cruel.
    4. Montresor is genuinely polite to Fortunato.
  9. An example of dramatic irony occurs in the story when
    1. Fortunato dresses like a jester
    2. the reader knows Montresor plans revenge, but Fortunato does not
    3. The narrator urges the already-drunk Fortunato to test the amontillado
    4. The crime is committed in carnival season.
  10. In “The Necklace,” the third-person-limited point of view allows the reader to know
    1. what Mme. Forestier things about Mathilde Loisel
    2. about the details of M. Loisel’s clerk position
    3. why Mathilde Loisel is unhappy with her life
    4. what each character thinks of Mathilde Loisel
  11. Mathilde is envious of the social class and wealth of others because
    1. she has never enjoyed either position or wealth
    2. she was born rich and wants more wealth
    3. her husband is very demanding
    4. her former classmate encourages her
  12. Which of the following reasons most likely explains why the Loisels do not tell Mme. Forestier that the necklace is lost?
    1. They fear financial ruin and poverty.
    2. They do not care what anyone thinks about them.
    3. The minister advises M. Loisel not to tell the truth.
    4. They are ashamed to admit their carelessness
  13. Mathilde seems happiest when
    1. she receives the invitation to the reception
    2. she attends and dances at the reception
    3. her husband gives her money to buy a dress
    4. Forestier lets her borrow the necklace.

25.At the end of the story, it is clear that

  1. the Loisels have suffered needlessly
  2. the Loisels soon will become wealthy
  3. Forestier had two diamond necklaces
  4. Forestier will help out the Loisels

Part Three: Expanded Response

  1. The left hand side of the following chart contains statements that support the idea that Roger will not steal again. In the right-hand side of the chart, explain why each statement is good evidence that Roger won’t steal anymore.
Evidence that Roger won’t steal again Why the Evidence is Valid
a. Roger doesn’t run away with the pocketbook when he has a chance.




b. Roger sits where Mrs. Jones can see him because he wants her to trust him.  






c. Roger wants to say more than “Thank you, m’am” to Mrs. Jones, but he can’t.




d. Mrs. Jones tells him that blue suede shoes acquired dishonestly will burn his fee.








  1. In “The Cask of Amontillado,” Montresor seems so intent upon revenge that readers might question his state of mind. Explain whether you think Montresor is a truthful narrator or an unreliable narrator, or an insane narrator. Make at least two references to specific details in the story to support your ideas.



  1. Mathilde grieves over the reality of her life and has rich fantasies about what her life might be like. In the chart below, describe the circumstances of Mathilde’s life and summarize her fantasies.
Real Life Fantasies





















  1. We are all products of the society in which we live, and the character of Mathilde Loisel is no exception. What can you conclude about the Paris society that Guy de Maupassant portrays in “The Necklace”? How is Mathilde Loisel typical of her time and social position. Explain your answers to these questions. Make at least two references to the story to support your ideas.




Part Four: Essay

  1. Please look again at, “A Sound of Thunder.” Please write a 2-3 page essay analyzing the literary elements of the story. Consider the following elements
  • Plot—How does the exposition set the scene for rising action? What is the climax? How is the story resolved?
  • Characterization—direct, indirect? How does Bradbury develop his protagonist?
  • Conflict—What conflicts are present? Which one is strongest? Man vs. Man, Man vs. Nature, Man vs. Beast, Man vs. Himself?
  • Setting—How does Bradbury develop the setting? I mean it is not only futuristic, but also prehistoric! What details make the time machine realistic? What phrases/images make the scenes come alive?
  • Point of View—What kind of narrator does the story have? First person? Third person limited? Omniscient? Why does this narrator work?
  • Diction and Style—Look at the author’s word choice. What is special about it? We talked about using stream of consciousness (flashing images and phrases)—how does that affect the tone of the story?
  • Theme—What is the overall message about life that the story is trying to convey?

This informal essay should be typed and properly formatted. It is due Friday 🙂


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